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Membership is open to all nationalities, religions, cultures and ethnicities.

Although Corona is primarily a women’s group, men are not excluded from joining.

We strive to interpret our inclusive and open philosophy and apply it for the benefit of our members through the following activities and tools:

We promote friendship through providing opportunities for members to meet and share:

    Monthly meeting
    Regular coffee mornings
    Bi-monthly outings to places of interest
    Potluck lunches (bring and share)
    Annual events (gala dinner, joint lunch with all Corona branches, AGM lunch, etc)


We share useful information within our membership

    Monthly speakers
    Monthly newsletter
    Facebook page
    Website
    Membership guide

Applicants are required to complete a membership form which must be considered

and if appropriate approved by the Membership Committee.
Once membership is approved, new members will be issued with a membership card

and a name-badge will be prepared to be worn during meetings.



If you would like to join Corona Plateau or you would like to update your details,

kindly download our Membership Form below and e-mail us your completed form to

Corona Plateau Membership Form
Join Us


You are welcome to mail any comments to :

or just fill in the form below.

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Please click on the key below to log in to the Members Area

where you can access the Membership Handbook and Member's Directory.

coronaplateau members area
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